to be liable to civil law proceedings

listen to the pronunciation of to be liable to civil law proceedings
English - Turkish

Definition of to be liable to civil law proceedings in English Turkish dictionary

be liable to
eğilimli olmak
be liable to
tabi olmak
be liable to
maruz kalmak
be liable to
karşı duyarlı olmak
to be liable to civil law proceedings


    to be li·a·ble to ci·vil law proceedings

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı bi layıbıl tı sîvıl lô prōsidîngz


    /tə bē ˈlīəbəl tə ˈsəvəl ˈlô prōˈsēdəɴɢz/ /tə biː ˈlaɪəbəl tə ˈsɪvəl ˈlɔː proʊˈsiːdɪŋz/