to be in vogue

listen to the pronunciation of to be in vogue
English - Turkish
revaç bulmak
in vogue
modaya uygun

Bu biraz modaya uygun ama fiyat çok fazla. - It's kind of in vogue, but the price is too much!

be in vogue
moda olmak
in vogue
Moda halinde, itibarda
to be in

Tom'un yerinde olmak istemem. - I wouldn't like to be in Tom's shoes.

O, öğle yemeğinde zamanında olmak için babasına söz verdi. - She promised her father to be in time for lunch.

be in vogue
rağbette olmak
English - English

Definition of to be in vogue in English English dictionary

in vogue
fashionable, in style, popular
in vogue
in the current fashion or style
to be in vogue