to be deaf in one ear

listen to the pronunciation of to be deaf in one ear
English - Turkish

Definition of to be deaf in one ear in English Turkish dictionary

to be deaf
sağır olmak
to be in

O, öğle yemeğinde zamanında olmak için babasına söz verdi. - She promised her father to be in time for lunch.

Tom'un yerinde olmak istemem. - I wouldn't like to be in Tom's shoes.

deaf in one ear
tek kulağı sağır
English - English

Definition of to be deaf in one ear in English English dictionary

deaf in one ear
unable to hear in one ear
to be deaf in one ear

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı bi def în hwʌn ir


    /tə bē ˈdef ən ˈhwən ˈēr/ /tə biː ˈdɛf ɪn ˈhwʌn ˈiːr/