to bayonet

listen to the pronunciation of to bayonet
English - Turkish
SÜNGÜ, KASATURA: Bir tüfeğin namlu ağzına takılan keskin cisim. Bu cisim; tüfekten çıkarılarak müstakilen bir el silahı olarak ta kullanılır
bayonet clutch bayonet kavramı
spade bayonet kazma şeklinde süngü
trowel bayonet mala şeklinde ufak süngü
(fiil) süngülemek
Turkish - Turkish
Fotoğraf makinelerinde, objektifin gövdeye kolaylıkla takılıp çıkarılmasını sağlayan kilitli mekanizma
English - English
To compel or drive by the bayonet

To bayonet us into submission. Burke.

A pointed instrument of the dagger kind fitted on the muzzle of a musket or rifle, so as to give the soldier increased means of offence and defence. Originally, the bayonet was made with a handle, which required to be fitted into the bore of the musket after the soldier had fired

Fig. 3. Its bayonet, to be fixed by sticking the handle into the muzzle of the musquet.

A pin which plays in and out of holes made to receive it, and which thus serves to engage or disengage parts of the machinery
{n} a broad dagger fixt at the end of a gun
stab or kill someone with a bayonet
A bayonet is a long, sharp blade that can be fixed to the end of a rifle and used as a weapon
{i} knife attached to the muzzle of a rifle
To stab with a bayonet
A pointed instrument of the dagger kind fitted on the muzzle of a musket or rifle, so as to give the soldier increased means of offense and defense
An edged weapon that locks onto the muzzle of a firearm, turning the firearm into a spearing instrument for use in hand-to-hand fighting
a knife that can be fixed to the end of a rifle and used as a weapon
a type of electrical connector for weapons
A sword for stabbing attached to the end of a gun The Korean War witnessed what may well prove to be the last bayonet charges in military history
A blade connected to a rifle which could be used in close combat to stab enemy soldiers
a knife that can be fixed to the end of a rifle and used as a weapon stab or kill someone with a bayonet
{f} pierce with bayonet (knife attached to the muzzle of a rifle); kill a person with a bayonet
A type of electrical connector for foil and sabre
To bayonet someone means to push a bayonet into them. The soldiers were ordered by their inhuman officers to bayonet every man they could find. a long knife that is fixed to the end of a rifle (=long gun) (baïonnette, from Bayonne city in southwest France where it was first made). to push the point of a bayonet into someone. Short, sharp-edged, sometimes pointed weapon, designed for attachment to the muzzle of a firearm. According to tradition, it was developed in Bayonne, France, early in the 17th century and soon spread throughout Europe. The earliest design, the plug bayonet, was inserted into the muzzle of a musket, thus preventing the musket from being fired until the bayonet was removed. Later designs, including the socket bayonet invented by Sebastien Le Prestre de Vauban (1688), slipped it over the muzzle. Repeating firearms greatly reduced its combat value. By World War I it had become an all-purpose knife
Turkish - English
to bayonet


    to bay·o·net

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı beyınet


    /tə ˈbāəˌnet/ /tə ˈbeɪəˌnɛt/