to anticipate what somebody is planning to do

listen to the pronunciation of to anticipate what somebody is planning to do
English - German
jdm. vorgreifen
to anticipate what somebody is planning to do


    to an·tic·i·pate what some·bo·dy I·s plan·ning to do

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı äntîsıpeyt hwʌt sʌmbıdi îz plänîng tı du


    /tə anˈtəsəˌpāt ˈhwət ˈsəmbədē əz ˈplanəɴɢ tə ˈdo͞o/ /tə ænˈtɪsəˌpeɪt ˈhwʌt ˈsʌmbədiː ɪz ˈplænɪŋ tə ˈduː/