to allow us taxes as a credit against italian taxes

listen to the pronunciation of to allow us taxes as a credit against italian taxes
English - German
in den USA gezahlte Steuern auf italienische Steuern in Anrechnung bringen
to allow us taxes as a credit against italian taxes


    to al·low us taxes as a cred·it a·gainst I·tal·ian taxes

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı ılau yues täksız äz ı kredıt ıgenst îtälyın täksız


    /tə əˈlou ˈyo͞oˈes ˈtaksəz ˈaz ə ˈkredət əˈgenst əˈtalyən ˈtaksəz/ /tə əˈlaʊ ˈjuːˈɛs ˈtæksəz ˈæz ə ˈkrɛdət əˈɡɛnst ɪˈtæljən ˈtæksəz/