to abort

listen to the pronunciation of to abort
English - Turkish

Tom görevin durdurulmasından yanaydı. - Tom was in favor of aborting the mission.

{f} çocuk düşürmek
(Tıp) düşük (doğum)
yarıda kesme
(Bilgisayar) den çıkma
düşürtmek (dölütü)
(Bilgisayar) bir işi yarım bırakma
(Bilgisayar) tamamlamadan durdurmak
(Bilgisayar) vazgeçme
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) düşük
yarıda kesmek
(Bilgisayar) vazgeç
yarıda bırakmak
dölütünü düşürtmek
(Bilgisayar) iptal
başarısızlıkla bitmek
erken doğum yapmak
uşak salmak
imtina etmek
boşa çıkmak
ölü çocuk doğurmak
yarımcık saklamak
baş tutmamak
kürtaj yaptır

Sami, Leyla'nın kürtaj yaptırmasını istedi. - Sami wanted Layla to get an abortion.

çocuk aldırmak
{f} yarıda kes
(Havacılık) GÖREVİN AKıM KALMASı; YARıDA BıRAKMA (GÖREV); YARıM KALMA: Bir uçak veya füzenin düşman etkisi dışında bir nedenle görevini yerine getirememesi. Bu hal, hareket noktası ile hedef noktası arasında herhangi bir noktada meydana gelebilir
{f} gelişememek
{f} iptal etmek

Şimdi görevi iptal etmek istemiyorum. - I don't want to abort the mission now.

(Tıp) Düşmek (çocuk)
{f} (dölütü) düşürtmek/almak; -in dölütünü düşürtmek; (dölütü) düşürmek
(Tıp) Çocuk düşürmek, düşük yapmak
{f} (bir iş)
bitirmeden durdurmak
(Tıp) Inkişafına mani olmak
(fiil) çocuk düşürmek, düşük yapmak, gelişememek, başarısızlıkla sonuçlanmak, durdurmak, iptal etmek
(Tıp) Önlemek (ilkah v.s. yi)
(Tıp) Geri kalmak, tam gelişmemek
bitirmeden durdur,v.yarıda kes: n.yarıda kesme
{f} (henüz başlanmışken) -e son vermek
(Tıp) Bir hastalık seyrini durdurmak veya kontrol etmek
{f} (Bilgisayar) prosedürü durdurmak
{f} başarısızlıkla sonuçlanmak
English - English
The function used to abort a process
To terminate a mission for any reason other than enemy action. It may occur at any point after the beginning of the mission and prior to its completion
An event involving the abort of a process

We've had three aborts over the last two days.

An early termination of a mission

We've had aborts on three of our last seven launches.

The product of a miscarriage; an aborted offspring; an abortion
To cause a premature termination whether of a foetus or more generally of anything that has been begun
To miscarry; to bring forth something prematurely
To terminate a process prior to completion
Terminating the acceleration process prematurely, either by inhibiting the injection mechanism or by removing circulating beam to some sort of dump This is generally done to prevent injury to some personnel or damage to accelerator components
uci A capability that cancels all user entries in a defined transaction sequence [MIL-HDBK-1908B]
This term refers to transactions that do not complete Any changes made by a transaction that is aborted, for whatever reason, must be undone Once a transaction is undone (rolled back), no evidence that the transaction was ever attempted remains outside of records in the transaction processing system's log See also rolled back
terminate a pregnancy by undergoing an abortion
To cancel or cut short a mission
Do not use Preferred term is cancel
To jettison a load of water or retardant from an aircraft
The termination of computer program execution prior to its completion [SRV] (see also failure)
To terminate a preplanned aircraft maneuver; e g , an aborted takeoff
Premature terminatation of a program because of an error that has made further execution of the program impossible A successful abort will at least save the file The worst scenario is a crash
Terminate a transaction so that all protected resources, such as database records, have the same value they had at the beginning of the transaction
To terminate abruptly in the middle of a computer operation
In the context of computers, one of the three historic choices offered by DOS when it could not complete the requested operation Also see Fail and Retry
1 To cut short or break off an action, operation, or procedure with an aircraft, space vehicle, or the like, especially because of equipment failure, as to abort a mission, the launching was aborted
1 To exit a communication function (usually before its completion) A much less graceful than Exit or Escape 2 The character used to stop characters from a block of test appearing on your screen Usually the spacebar or CTRL-X are used to abort a message 3 The command word used with editors that allows you to exit, destroying your message
To cut short or break off an action, operation, or procedure with a vehicle, especially when a piece of equipment fails
A telephoned voice call or an electronically transmitted message, with appropriate safeguards as to authenticity, that indi-cates a just-transmitted alarm event is not to be reacted to as an emergency An abort is also a procedure to prevent an alarm signal from being sent to the monitoring facility
a reserved word used in an abort statement to terminate execution of a task and other tasks dependent upon it 6 3, A 1
terminate before completion; "abort the mission"; "abort the process running on my computer"
Cancels a file while it is still active The other party will be informed that the file was cancelled and not completely received
to cancel an attempt The Space Shuttle has several abort options, including an emergency return to the launch site to an "abort to orbit" (see ATO)
terminate a pregnancy by undergoing an abortion terminate before completion; "abort the mission"; "abort the process running on my computer
To become checked in normal development, so as either to remain rudimentary or shrink away wholly; to become sterile
{f} end a pregnancy; cancel, call off; fail; (Computers) stop a procedure in progress or a program in operation (especially suddenly or abnormally)
If someone aborts a process, plan, or activity, they stop it before it has been completed. The decision was made to abort the mission
If an unborn baby is aborted, the pregnancy is ended deliberately and the baby is not born alive. Her lover walked out on her after she had aborted their child. tissue from aborted fetuses
To miscarry; to bring forth young prematurely
An aborted offspring
An untimely birth
A miscarriage; an untimely birth; an abortion
to abort


    to a·bort

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı ıbôrt


    /tə əˈbôrt/ /tə əˈbɔːrt/