Definition of thumbnails in English English dictionary
small, quickly done sketches Used to work out compositional problems ahead of the finished work or art
A small version of a larger or more detailed image which, when clicked on, displays the full sized image The larger image is reduced in Photoshop and saved with a different file name The thumbnail is inserted into the Web page and linked to the larger image on another page Creating a thumbnail saves the user time downloading a large image every time they go to your page If you are concerned that an image may take up too much real estate on your Web page, it is a good idea to use a thumbnail image
Small reference images of the shots on a roll appearing in an index print or on a computer monitor (screen)
Thumbnails are displayed as a surrogate visual reference to the work records related to the artist Click on the title under each thumbnail to view the Work Record
Miniature pictures, resembling slides, that the Light-Box catalog displays Each thumbnail contains specific information for each image that comes with Photo-Disc
Small, rough sketches done by an artist before full-sized sketches, which may be literally not much bigger than thumbnail size
A thumbnail is a small graphic in a web site that a reader can click on and then see a larger version of the same graphic This option is not available in the current ShopSite system, but should be included in the next version
Used in Acrobat Thumbnails are miniature representations of a full page of a PDF document They are useful for finding items in a document quickly, or useful for adding, deleting, or inserting pages
Small images of every shot on a roll, appearing on an index print or on a computer screen
Miniature pictures, resembling slides, that the LightBox catalog displays Each thumbnail contains specific information for each image that comes with PhotoDisc
A small representation of a picture on a Web page, usually containing a hyperlink to a full-size version of the graphic Thumbnails are used to load pages rich in graphics or pictures more quickly in a Web browser See also Auto Thumbnail
{i} miniaturized picture, small picture which represents a larger and more detailed picture (Computers); miniature mock-up, small prototype of a page or document (Printing)
A small image that is linked to a page with a larger image to show detail Facilitates download time when there are too many images to have full sized on a page
A thumbnail sketch or account is a very short description of an event, idea, or plan which gives only the main details. thumbnail sketch/portrait a short description that gives only the main facts about a person, thing, or event
A thumbnail is a small (96 x 96 pixels) version of a larger picture These small versions are links on which the reader can click to see the full-size version An effective use of thumbnails makes a smaller, more easily viewed page
A thumbnail is a small, low resolution representation of a larger digital image You would use thumbnails if you were searching through a library of images, as you could view a number of different images on screen at any one time
Describes the size of an image you frequently find on Web pages Usually photo or picture archives will present a thumbnail version of its contents (makes the page load more quickly) and when a user clicks on the small image a larger version will appear Sometimes these links will be to a new page containing the larger graphic and other times right to the image directly
a tiny lighthouse sculpture, about the size of a lady's thumbnail , Typically about 1" high Four lighthouses were made in the thumbnail size in 1997 These were first distributed to attendees at the 1997 Collectors Reunion Others were handed out by Bill Younger at Store Events The last of the 2,000 each thumbnails were distributed at the 1998 Rosemont Collectibles Show In 1998, four additional thumbnails were produced and distributed to attendees of the 1998 Collectors Reunion
A tiny copy (about the size of a thumbnail) of a larger image Generally, thumbnails appear on Web pages to give users a general idea of what the image looks like before they choose to spend time waiting for the larger version to download Clicking on a thumbnail image generally causes the larger image to load automatically
A small version of an image (about the size of your thumbnail) They are slightly smaller than the average toenail Slightly smaller than the average toenail takes too long too say and is a very silly name, which is why they chose thumbnail
A small version of an image to give the viewer an idea of what a full size image is like (lets the page load quicker) When a user clicks on the thumbnail, the larger version will be loaded
Small representation of an image page Properly constructed, thumbnails graphically represent the content and layout of the image represented Good thumbnails help the user find a specific page in a document for viewing Imaging for Windows supports the ability to resize thumbnails, view thumbnails alone or alongside an image view, and copy thumbnails between documents
A small representation of a graphic A thumbnail is significantly smaller than the real sized graphic, and is usually used to get to the real sized graphic