A region of the body In VERTEBRATES this is the part of the body that contains the heart and lungs In most ARTHROPODS this is the region of the body that lies between the head and the ABDOMEN
Middle section of the insect's body, having three segments consisting of the prothorax, mesothorax, and metathorax The prothorax holds the front pair of legs The mesothorax holds the second pair of legs and the front pair of wings The metathorax holds the third pair of legs and the hind wings
In the case of decapod Crustacea, some writers include under the term thorax only the three segments bearing the maxillipeds; others include also the five segments bearing the legs
The part of the trunk between the neck and the abdomen, containing that part of the body cavity the walls of which are supported by the dorsal vertebræ, the ribs, and the sternum, and which the heart and lungs are situated; the chest
The chest or rib cage; also refers to the space containing the lungs and heart There are 12 vertebral segments and ribs; the lower two are called floating ribs
part of an insect's body that bears the wings and legs the part of the human body between the neck and the diaphragm or the corresponding part in other vertebrates the middle region of the body of an arthropod between the head and the abdomen