this move will reinvigorate the economy in tunisia

listen to the pronunciation of this move will reinvigorate the economy in tunisia
English - German
Diese Maßnahme wird die Wirtschaft in Tunesien neu beleben
this move will reinvigorate the economy in tunisia


    this move will re·in·vig·or·ate the E·con·o·my in Tu·ni·sia

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhîs muv wıl riînvîgıreyt dhi ikänımi în tunijı


    /ᴛʜəs ˈmo͞ov wəl ˌrēənˈvəgərˌāt ᴛʜē ēˈkänəmē ən ˌto͞oˈnēᴢʜə/ /ðɪs ˈmuːv wəl ˌriːɪnˈvɪɡɜrˌeɪt ðiː iːˈkɑːnəmiː ɪn ˌtuːˈniːʒə/