this actor always gets typecast as the villain

listen to the pronunciation of this actor always gets typecast as the villain
English - German
Dieser Schauspieler wird immer nur als Bösewicht besetzt
this actor always gets typecast as the villain


    this Ac·tor al·ways gets type·cast as the vil·lain

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhîs äktır ôlwiz gets taypkäst äz dhi vîlın


    /ᴛʜəs ˈaktər ˈôlwēz ˈgets ˈtīpˌkast ˈaz ᴛʜē ˈvələn/ /ðɪs ˈæktɜr ˈɔːlwiːz ˈɡɛts ˈtaɪpˌkæst ˈæz ðiː ˈvɪlən/