this act does not apply in the case of insurance contracts

listen to the pronunciation of this act does not apply in the case of insurance contracts
English - German
Dieses Gesetz ist bei Versicherungsverträgen nicht anwendbar
this act does not apply in the case of insurance contracts


    this act does not ap·ply in the case of insur·ance contracts

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhîs äkt dîz nät ıplay în dhi keys ıv înşûrıns kınträkts


    /ᴛʜəs ˈakt dəz ˈnät əˈplī ən ᴛʜē ˈkās əv ənˈsʜo͝orəns kənˈtrakts/ /ðɪs ˈækt dɪz ˈnɑːt əˈplaɪ ɪn ðiː ˈkeɪs əv ɪnˈʃʊrəns kənˈtrækts/