third world

listen to the pronunciation of third world
English - English
Those countries not aligned with the west or the east during the Cold War
The developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America
Alternative spelling of Third World
collective name for developing nations that are characterized by poor infrastructure and widespread poverty
The countries of Africa, Asia, and South America are sometimes referred to all together as the Third World, especially those parts that are poor, do not have much power, and are not considered to be highly developed. Compare First World. development in the Third World. Third World debt. the poorer countries of the world that are not industrially developed. Some people now consider this expression offensive. World. Political designation originally used (1963) to describe those states not part of the first world the capitalist, economically developed states led by the U.S. or the second world the communist states led by the Soviet Union. The third world principally consists of the developing world, former colonies of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. With the end of the Cold War and the increased economic competitiveness of some developing countries, the term has lost its analytic clarity
underdeveloped and developing countries of Asia and Africa and Latin America collectively
Third World War
see World War III
third world country
underdeveloped or developing country, country in which the average standard of living is significantly lower than it is in countries with widespread industrial production and development
third world war
a third future war between many countries of the world
Of or from the Third World
third world