things aren't always as they appear at first glance

listen to the pronunciation of things aren't always as they appear at first glance
English - German
Hinten Lyzeum, vorne Museum
things aren't always as they appear at first glance


    things aren't al·ways as they ap·pear at first glance

    Turkish pronunciation

    thîngz ärnt ôlwiz äz dhey ıpîr ät fırst gläns


    /ˈᴛʜəɴɢz ˈärnt ˈôlwēz ˈaz ˈᴛʜā əˈpər ˈat ˈfərst ˈglans/ /ˈθɪŋz ˈɑːrnt ˈɔːlwiːz ˈæz ˈðeɪ əˈpɪr ˈæt ˈfɜrst ˈɡlæns/