they've got quite a bit of clout around here

listen to the pronunciation of they've got quite a bit of clout around here
English - German
Sie haben hier eine Menge Einfluss
they've got quite a bit of clout around here


    they've got quite a bit of clout a·round here

    Turkish pronunciation

    dheyv gät kwayt ı bît ıv klaut ıraun hîr


    /ˈᴛʜāv ˈgät ˈkwīt ə ˈbət əv ˈklout ərˈoun ˈhər/ /ˈðeɪv ˈɡɑːt ˈkwaɪt ə ˈbɪt əv ˈklaʊt ɜrˈaʊn ˈhɪr/