
listen to the pronunciation of theater…
English - Turkish

Definition of theater… in English Turkish dictionary

{i} tiyatro

Sinemaya mı tiyatroya mı gitmek istersin? - Do you want to go to the movies or to the theater?

Dükkan tiyatronun tam karşısında. - The store is just across from the theater.

{s} dramatik

Tom ve Mary'nin ilişkilerinin hikayesi dramatik olaylarla doludur. - The story of Tom and Mary's relationships is full of dramatic events.

Neden çok dramatik olmak zorundasın? - Why do you have to be so dramatic?

theater writer
Tiyatro yazarı
olay yeri
{i} amfi
{i} sinema [amer.]
sinema salonu

Sinema salonunda aniden bir yangın patlak verdi. - All of a sudden, a fire broke out in the movie theater.

Bu yeni bir sinema salonu. - It's a new movie theater.

theater of the absurd
absürd tiyatro
theater performance
(Tiyatro) gösteri
theater company
tiyatro grubu
theater curtain
theater prompter
theater stage
tiyatro sahnesi
theater ticket
tiyatro bileti
tiyatro binası
(Askeri) Haraket alanı
Theater Army Area Command
(Askeri) K.K.Harekat Alanı Komutanlığı
{i} alan

Tiyatro grubu yeni oyunu sahneledi. - The theater group performed the new play.

{i} ameliyathane
tre tiyatro
theater Army medical management and information system
(Askeri) harekat alanı Kara Kuvvetleri tıbbi yönetim ve bilgi sistemi
theater Army movement control agency
(Askeri) harekat alanı Kara Kuvvetleri intikal kontrol kuruluşu
theater Army movement control center
(Askeri) harekat alanı Kara Kuvvetleri intikal kontrol merkezi
theater Army special operations support command
(Askeri) harekat alanı özel harekat destek komutanlığı
theater aeromedical evacuation system
(Askeri) harekat alanı havadan sıhhi tahliye sistemi
theater air ground system
(Askeri) harekat alanı hava kara sistemi
theater airlift liaison officer
(Askeri) harekat alanı hava nakliye irtibat subayı
theater allied contracting office
(Askeri) muharebe sahası müttefik sözleşme ofisi
theater and society
tiyatro ve toplum
theater and state
tiyatro ve devlet
theater architecture
tiyatro mimarisi
theater army material management command
(Askeri) harekat alanı Kara
theater army replacement command
theater ballistic missile defense
(Askeri) taktik balistik füze savunması
theater battle management core system
(Askeri) harekat alanı muharebe yönetim ana sistemi
theater building
(Tiyatro) tiyatro yapısı
theater commander
(Askeri) HAREKAT ALANI KOMUTANI: Bir harekat alanına komuta eden yüksek rütbeli subay
theater construction manager
(Askeri) harekat alanı inşaat müdürü
theater contingency engineering management
(Askeri) harekat alanı muhtemel durum istihkam yönetimi
theater control level
(Askeri) HAREKAT ALANI STOK SEVİYESİ: Bak "theater stock level"
theater directory service
(Askeri) HAREKAT ALANI POSTA HİZMETİ: Bir harekat alanında, merkez dairesi tarafından yapılan posta hizmeti. Bir harekat alanı posta hizmeti, posta için doğru adresleri verilir. Bu adresler mevcut olmadığı takdirde, ordu postanesi mektupları yerlerine gönderemez
theater display terminal
(Askeri) harekat alanı görüntü terminali
theater distribution management cell
(Askeri) harekat alanı dağıtım hücresi
theater distribution plan
(Askeri) harekat alanı dağıtım planı
theater forecast of requisitions
(Askeri) HAREKAT ALANI İSTEK TAHMİN RAPORU: Her denizaşırı komutanlık tarafından üç ayda bir gönderilen ve üçer aylık müteakip her devre içinde A. B. D. den istekte bulunulması hesaplanmış standard stok listesi ikmal maddeleri tahmini miktarını gösteren rapor
theater headquarters
theater intelligence architecture program
(Askeri) harekat alanı istihbarat mimarisi programı
theater lover
(Tiyatro) tiyatrosever
theater medical information system
(Askeri) harekat alanı tıbbi bilgi sistemi
theater medical materiel management center
(Askeri) harekat alanı tıbbi malzeme yönetim merkezi
theater mortuary affairs officer
(Askeri) muharebe sahası morg işleri subayı
theater mortuary evacuation point
(Askeri) harekat alanı morg tahliye noktası
theater nuclear force
(Askeri) harekat alanı nükleer kuvveti
theater nurse
ameliyat hemşiresi
theater of operations
(Askeri) Hareket alanı
theater of operations
(Askeri) HAREKAT ALANI: Bak "area of operations"
theater of spontaneity
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) Kendiliğindenlik tiyatrosu
theater of war
harp sahası
theater of war
(Askeri) HARP ALANI: Bak. "area of war"
theater of war
savaş alanı
theater officer
(Askeri) SİNEMA SUBAYI: Bir sinemanın çalıştırılmasına nezaret eden subay
theater operational stocks
(Askeri) BÖLGENİN HAREKAT STOKLARI: Bir bölgeyi desteklemek amacıyla normal olarak bölgede bulundurulan stoklar. Ayrıca bakınız: "operational stocks, war reserves"
theater patient movement requirements center
(Askeri) harekat alanı hasta nakil ihtiyaçları merkezi
theater planning response cell
(Askeri) harekat alanı planlama cevap hücresi
theater program
tiyatro programı
theater provost marshall general the
(Askeri) HAREKAT ALANI MERKEZ KOMUTANI: Bir harekat alanı komutanının erkanında bulunan ve harp esirlerinin toplanma ve muhafazası dahil olmak üzere, bütün askeri inzibat işlerinden sorumlu olan üstsubay
theater reserve
(Askeri) HAREKAT ALANI İHTİYATI: Bir harekat alanı komutanlığı tarafından ihtiyat olarak tutulan personel veya ikmal maddeleri. Ayrıca bak "area reserve"
theater science
(Tiyatro) tiyatro bilimi
theater script
(Tiyatro) tiyatro metni
theater security cooperation plan
(Askeri) harekat alanı güvenlik işbirliği planı
theater security cooperation; theater support command
(Askeri) harekat alanı güvenlik işbirliği; harekat alanı destek komutanlığı
theater shipping document
theater special operations command
(Askeri) muharebe sahası özel harekat komutanlığı
theater stock level
(Askeri) HAREKAT ALANI STOK SEVİYESİ: Bir harekat alanında dağıtıma hazır stok olarak bulundurulmasına kara kuvvetleri komutanlığınca yetki verilmiş ikmal maddeleri miktarı. Buna (theater control level) da denir
theater wartime construction manager
(Askeri) harekat alanı harp zamanı inşa amiri
(Tekstil) anormal ( olağanüstü )
coşku veren
duyguları kamçılayan
musical theater
müzik sahnesi
picture theater
vaudeville theater
varyete tiyatrosu
arena theater
arena tiyatro
cinema theater
Sinema salonu
drive in theater
Tiyatro sürücü
home theater
Ev sineması
national theater
Devlet tiyatrosu
Air Force Theater Hospital
(Askeri) Hava Kuvvetleri Harekat Alanı Hastanesi
Joint Theater Logistics Management
(Askeri) Müşterek Harekat Alanı Lojistik Yönetimi
abstract theater
(Tiyatro) soyut tiyatro
attack and launch early reporting to theater
(Askeri) harekat alanına fırlatma ve taarruz erken uyarısı
authorized strength of a theater
(Askeri) HAREKAT ALANI FİİLİ KUVVESİ: Yetki verilmiş birliklerin teşkilat ve malzeme kadro mevcutları, yetki verilmiş idari destek personelinden tahsis edilenler (toplam olarak) ile ikmal ve tahliye kanalında bulunan yetki verilmiş değiştirme personeli ve sevke tabi personel toplamı
contingency Theater Air Control System automated planning system
(Askeri) Muhtemel Durum Harekat Alanı Hava Kontrol sistemi otomatik planlama sistemi
(sıfat) dramatik, tiyatroya ait, heyecanlı, çarpıcı, etkileyici
tiyatro türünü andıran hareketli
{s} tiyatroya ait
dramatically bir oyunu andırır şekilde canlı olarak
{s} heyecanlı
{s} dramatik, tiyatro ile ilgili
{s} çarpıcı

Yüzyılın sonuna gelindiğinde, dünya sıcaklıkta çarpıcı bir artış yaşamış olacak. - By the end of the century, the earth will have experienced a dramatic increase in temperature.

Tıp bilimi çarpıcı bir ilerleme gösterdi. - Medical science has made a dramatic advance.

et kileyici
çarpıcı olarak
feminism and theater
feminizm ve tiyatro
feminist theater
feminist tiyatro
forward space support to theater
(Askeri) harekat sahasına ileri alan desteği
how are we going to the theater
tiyatroya nasıl gideceğiz
is there a theater in this town
bu şehirde tiyatro var mı
joint table of distribution; joint theater distribution
(Askeri) müşterek dağıtım tablosu; müşterek harekat sahası dağıtımı
joint theater air and missile defense
(Askeri) müşterek harekat sahası hava ve füze savunması
joint theater movement staff; joint training master schedule
(Askeri) müşterek harekat alanı intikal karargahı; müşterek ana eğitim programı
lecture theater
loss to theater
(Askeri) harekat alanı kaybı
major theater war
(Askeri) ana harekat alanı muharebesi
movie theater
sinema [amer.]
operating theater
ameliyat odası
operating theater
private theater
(Tiyatro) özel tiyatro
repertory theater
repertuar tiyatro
single integrated theater logistic manager
(Askeri) tek entegreli muharebe sahası lojistik yöneticisi
special operations support command (theater army)
(Askeri) özel harekat destek komutanlığı (muharebe sahası)
special operations theater support element
(Askeri) özel harekat muharebe sahası destek unsuru
street theater
sokak tiyatrosu
tactical air control system; theater air control system
(Askeri) taktik hava kontrol sistemi; harekat alanı hava kontrol sistemi
tactical ballistic missile; theater ballistic misilse
(Askeri) taktik balistik füze; harekat alanı balistik füze
tactical event system; theater event system
(Askeri) taktik vaka sistemi; harekat alanı vaka sistemi
tactical missile; target materials; team member; technical manual; theater missi
(Askeri) taktik füze; hedef materyaller; takım üyesi; teknik talimname; harekat alanı füzesi; troposferik yayın (TROPO) modemi
tactical munitions dispenser; theater missile defense
(Askeri) taktik mühimmat atıcısı; harekat alanı füze savunması
target acquisition; target audience; technical arrangement; theater Army
(Askeri) hedef tespiti; hedef kitle; teknik düzenleme; Kara Kuvvetleri harekat alanı
target materials program; telecommunications management program; theater manpowe
(Askeri) hedef materyal programı; telekomünikasyon yönetim programı; harekat alanı insangücü kuvvetleri
target system analysis; theater storage area; travel security advisory
(Askeri) hedef sistem analizi; harekat alanı depolama yeri; seyahat güvenlik danışmanı
technical order; theater of operations
(Askeri) teknik emir; harekat alanı
test and evaluation plan; theater engagement plan
(Askeri) test ve değerlendirme planı; muharebe sahası çatışma planı
where is the theater
tiyatro nerede
which theater will we go to
hangi tiyatroya gidiyoruz
would you like to go to the theater with me
benimle tiyatroya gelmek ister misiniz
German - English
stage …
a charade
Theater (als Kategorie)
Theater / Kirche etc.
theatre; church etc
Theater / Kirche etc.
aisle seat aircraft
Theater / Kirche etc.
Theater gespielt
Theater machen (sich verstellen)
to playact
Theater spielen
to act
Theater spielen
to put on an act
Theater spielend
(inszenierte) Aufführung (Theater)
staging (theatre)
(livrierter) Türportier (Hotel, Theater)
(livrierter) Türportier (Hotel, Theater)
Auftritt (Erscheinen auf der Bühne) (Theater)
Bühneneffekte (Theater)
scenic effects
Das Theater bietet sich für einen extrovertierten Menschen wie mich an.
The theatre is the obvious thing for an extrovert like me
Das Theater leerte sich nach der Vorstellung rasch.
The theater emptied (out) quickly after the show
Doppelrolle Theater / Film
dual role
Doppelrolle Theater / Film
double role
Einakter (Theater)
one-act play (theatre)
Engagement (Theater)
Es ist nur Theater.
It's just an act
Film / Theater
Finale (Theater, Musiktheater, Film)
Finale (Theater, Musiktheater, Film)
final scene
Finale Theater / Musiktheater
last act
Finale Theater / Musiktheater
Flop (Film, Theater)
turkey (film, theatre)
Freikarten für das Theater
free passes for the theatre
Gang zwischen Sitzreihen Theater / Flugzeug
Gastspiel (Theater)
Hintergrund (Theater)
Hosenrolle Theater / Musiktheater
trouser role (theatre)
Ich bin seit Ewigkeiten nicht (mehr) im Theater gewesen. - Ich auch nicht
I haven't been to the theatre for ages. - I haven't been either
Jupiterlampe (Theater, Film, TV)
photoflood lamp
Jupiterlampe (Theater, Film, TV)
Kliegl light
Jupiterlampe (Theater, Film, TV)
klieg light (theatre, film, TV)
satirical theatres
cabaret theatre
cabaret theatres
satirical theatre
Kassa Theater / Kino
evening box office
Kassa Theater / Kino
box office
Kassaöffnungszeiten (Theater, Kino etc.)
box office opening hours (theatre, cinema etc.)
Klamauk (im Theater)
Komparse (Theater, Film)
Komparse (Theater, Film)
walk-on (theatre, film)
Komparse (Theater, Film)
Komparserie (Film, Theater)
Komparserie (Film, Theater)
Kostümbildnerin Film / Theater
Kostümbildnerin Film / Theater
costume designer
Kostümbildnerin Film / Theater
Kulissen (Theater, Oper)
Kulissen (Theater, Oper)
Kulissen (Theater, Oper)
Kulissen (Theater, Oper)
stage set
Kulissen (Theater, Oper)
Kulissen (Theater, Oper)
stage design
Kulissen (Theater, Oper)
stage setting
Kulissen schieben (Theater)
to shift
Lichttechnik im Theater
Mach doch nicht so ein Theater darum!
Stop being such a drama queen!
Mach kein Theater!
Don't fuss!
Nebenfigur Film / Theater
supporting character
Off (Theater)
Parkett (Theater)
Person (Theater)
Platz/Raum für … bieten (Theater, Stadion) (+ Mengenangabe)
to seat (theatre, stadium)
Platz/Raum für … bieten (Theater, Stadion) (+ Mengenangabe)
to accommodate
Platz/Raum für … bieten (Theater, Stadion) (+ Mengenangabe)
to hold
Platz/Raum für … bieten (Theater, Stadion) (+ Mengenangabe)
to have room for (+ quantity)
Probenraum (Musik, Theater)
rehearsal room
Proszenium (Theater)
Pulitzer-Preis für Theater/Drama
Pulitzer Prize for Drama
Rang (Theater, Musiktheater, Kino)
upper (tier of) seats
Rang (Theater, Musiktheater, Kino)
circle (theatre, cinema)
Regie Theater / Fernsehen
Requisite (Theater)
property master
Requisite (Theater)
Requisite (Theater)
Rolle Theater / Film
Rolle Theater / Film
theatrical role
Rolle Theater / Film
Schlussvorhang Theater / Musiktheater
final curtain
Schmiere (Theater)
ham-acting (theatre)
Spielzeit (Theater)
Statistenrolle (Theater, Film)
walk-on part (theatre, film)
Stellprobe (Konzert, Theater)
blocking rehearsal (concert, theatre)
Szenario (Ausarbeitung von Handlungsablauf und Szenenfolge) (Film, Theater)
scenario (written outline of a film or stage work)
Szenenfoto (Theater, Film, TV)
production photograph
Szenenfoto (Theater, Film, TV)
production photo
TV / Theater
to be on
Tageskassa Theater / Kino
advance booking office
Textautor Theater
Was für ein Theater!
What a pantomime!
absurdes Theater
theatre of the absurd
abtreten Theater / Arbeit
to make one's exit
beim Theater sein
to be on the stage
bühnentechnisch (Theater)
das Ensemble Theater / Musiktheater
the cast
die Besetzung Theater
the cast
die darstellenden Künste (Theater)
performing arts
dokumentarisches Theater
documentary theatre
dokumentarisches Theater
documentary theater
durch unpassendes Lachen/Kichern aus der Rolle (Theater, Film, Radio) fallen
ein Extempore geben (Theater)
to improvise
ein Extempore geben (Theater)
to extemporize/extemporise (formal)
ein Extempore geben (Theater)
to busk it
ein Extempore geben (Theater)
to ad-lib
ein Extempore geben (Theater)
to wing it
ein Theater bespielen
to use a theatre /theater for performances
im Spiel übertreiben (Theater)
to overplay (theatre)
im Spiel übertreiben (Theater)
to overact
in der zweiten Szene des dritten Akts (Theater)
In the second scene of act three (theatre)
ins Theater gehen
to go to the theatre
ins Theater gehen
to go to the theater
inszenatorisch (Theater)
inszenieren (Theater)
to direct
jdm. soufflieren (Theater)
to prompt somebody (theatre)
jdm. soufflieren (Theater)
to give somebody a prompt
jemand, der um alles viel Theater macht
drama queen
kurzes Vorspiel (im Theater)
monologisieren (Theater)
to soliloquize
monologisieren (Theater)
to soliloquise
sich fürs Theater anziehen
to dress for the theatre
unerwartete Wendung (Theater, Film, Literatur)
twist (theatre, film, literature)
unerwartete Wendung (Theater, Film, Literatur)
plot twist
English - English

Definition of theater… in English English dictionary

A cinema, or picture theatre

We sat in the back row of the theater and threw popcorn at the screen.

A place or building, consisting of a stage and seating, in which an audience gathers to watch plays, musical performances, public ceremonies etc

The theater is not merely the meeting place of all the arts, it is also the return of art to life. — ().

A region where a particular action takes place; a specific field of action, usually with reference to war

His grandfather was in the Pacific theater during the war.

A lecture theatre
An operating theatre or locale for human experimentation

This man is about to die, get him into theater at once!.

Drama or performance as a profession or artform

I worked in the theater for twenty-five years.

theater of war
The area in which armed conflict takes place
A theatre in the form of an arena, with seating on at least three of the four sides
{n} a playhouse, stage, place for shows
the Kameri Theater
theater in Tel Aviv
the art of writing and producing plays
a region in which active military operations are in progress; "the army was in the field awaiting action"; "he served in the Vietnam theater for three years"
A sphere or scheme of operation
In ancient Greece, going to the theater was a celebration of community, and the dramas and comedies portrayed moral virtue and vice The structure was built into a hillside and the wall behind the stage structure was relatively low, so that the the audience could, by looking over the actors heads, view the entire polis
JP 1-02
That which resembles a theater in form, use, or the like; a place rising by steps or gradations, like the seats of a theater
An edifice in which dramatic performances or spectacles are exhibited for the amusement of spectators; anciently uncovered, except the stage, but in modern times roofed
The geographic area outside CONUS for which a commander of a unified or specified command has been assigned military responsibility
a building where theatrical performances or motion-picture shows can be presented; "the house was full
{i} arena, stadium, playhouse
a building where theatrical performances or motion-picture shows can be presented; "the house was full"
A place or region where great events are enacted; as, the theater of war
Any room adapted to the exhibition of any performances before an assembly, as public lectures, scholastic exercises, anatomical demonstrations, surgical operations, etc
theater company
a company that produces plays
theater curtain
a hanging cloth that conceals the stage from the view of the audience; rises or parts at the beginning and descends or closes between acts and at the end of a performance
theater festival
competition of plays, festival for drama
theater games
works of drama
theater in our times
modern theater, contemporary drama
theater light
any of various lights used in a theater
theater make-up man
expert on makeup for stage actors
theater of operations
battlefield, location where operations are carried out
theater of the absurd
A form of drama that emphasizes the absurdity of human existence by employing disjointed, repetitious, and meaningless dialogue, purposeless and confusing situations, and plots that lack realistic or logical development
theater of the absurd
plays stressing the irrational or illogical aspects of life, usually to show that modern life is pointless; "Samuel Beckett and Eugene Ionesco have written plays for the theater of the absurd
theater of the absurd
style of drama focusing on absurd situations
theater of war
battlefield, location where war is taking place
theater of war
the entire land, sea, and air area that may become or is directly involved in war operations
theater review
criticism given to theatrical productions, review the strengths and weaknesses of a theatrical production
theater stage
a stage in a theater on which actors can perform
theater ticket
a ticket good for admission to a theater
theater workshop
acting workshop, class for learning acting skills
movie theater
A building where movies are shown to an audience; a cinema
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
famous modern dance troupe mainly composed of African-American dancers
American Conservatory Theater
the full name of ACT
Apollo Theater
famous theater in Harlem New York where numerous legendary black musicians began their careers (such as Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Billie Holiday and others)
Chan Theater
theater in Jerusalem
Habima National Theater
theater in Tel Aviv, national theater of Israel
Mann's Chinese Theater
{i} famous cinema in Hollywood whose entrance is decorated with hand and footprints of famous movie stars
Suzanne Dellal Center for Dance and Theater
{i} structure in Israel's city of Jaffa that is used for cultural performances (especially for dance troupes)
Yiddish theater
theater where Yiddish plays are performed
amateurs' theater
theatrical productions produced by non-professionals
arena theater
A theater without a proscenium, in which the stage is at the center of the auditorium and is surrounded by seats. Also called theater-in-the-round
arena theater
a theater arranged with seats around at least three sides of the stage
cafe where live theatrical performances are staged
chamber theater
small theater intended for intimate performances
commercial theater
business arena
dinner theater
A restaurant that presents a play during or after dinner. a restaurant in which you see a play after your meal, or this type of entertainment
dinner theater
a theater at which dinner is included in the price of admission
drive in motion picture theater
{i} movie theatre in an open field where people watch the movie while remaining in their vehicles
drive in theater
{i} movie theatre in an open field where people watch the movie while remaining in their vehicles
film theater
movie theater
guerrilla theater
dramatization of a social issue; enacted outside in a park or on the street
home theater
television and video equipment designed to reproduce in the home the experience of being in a movie theater
home theater
A system of sophisticated electronic equipment for the presentation of theater-quality images and sound in the home
home theater
home cinema, system for showing movies at home of movie theater quality comprising of a big screen or television and surround sound
little theater
a small theater for experimental drama or collegiate or community groups
little theater
A small theater usually for a community, collegiate, or experimental drama group
movie theater
a theater where films are shown
movie theater
place where movies are shown
movie theater
A movie theater is a place where people go to watch films for entertainment. a building where you go in order to watch films British Equivalent: cinema
national theater
theater that is considered to be the main theater in a country
noncommercial theater
theatre that is not commercial
operating theater
operating room, room where surgery takes place
repertory theater
theater which offers a series of performances on a regular basis
street theater
Dramatization of social and political issues, usually enacted outside, as on the street or in a park. Also called guerrilla theater
variety theater
theater which has different kinds of performances