the total weight of all living organisms in a biological community

listen to the pronunciation of the total weight of all living organisms in a biological community
English - Turkish
English - English
the total weight of all living organisms in a biological community


    the to·tal weight of all li·ving organisms in a bi·o·lo·gi·cal com·mu·ni·ty

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi tōtıl weyt ıv ôl lîvîng ôrgınîzımz în ı bayıläcîkıl kımyunıti


    /ᴛʜē ˈtōtəl ˈwāt əv ˈôl ˈləvəɴɢ ˈôrgəˌnəzəmz ən ə ˌbīəˈläʤəkəl kəˈmyo͞onətē/ /ðiː ˈtoʊtəl ˈweɪt əv ˈɔːl ˈlɪvɪŋ ˈɔːrɡəˌnɪzəmz ɪn ə ˌbaɪəˈlɑːʤɪkəl kəˈmjuːnətiː/