the straight line of the facade is interrupted by a bend

listen to the pronunciation of the straight line of the facade is interrupted by a bend
English - German
Das Gebäude bricht mit einem Knick aus der Flucht aus
the straight line of the facade is interrupted by a bend


    the straight line of the fa·cade I·s in·ter·rupt·ed by a Bend

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi streyt layn ıv dhi fısäd îz întırʌptîd bay ı bend


    /ᴛʜē ˈstrāt ˈlīn əv ᴛʜē fəˈsäd əz ˌəntərˈəptəd ˈbī ə ˈbend/ /ðiː ˈstreɪt ˈlaɪn əv ðiː fəˈsɑːd ɪz ˌɪntɜrˈʌptɪd ˈbaɪ ə ˈbɛnd/