the software is wasteful of memory space

listen to the pronunciation of the software is wasteful of memory space
English - German
Das Programm braucht viel Speicherplatz
the software is wasteful of memory space


    the soft·ware I·s waste·ful of me·mo·ry space

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi sôftwer îz weystfıl ıv memıri speys


    /ᴛʜē ˈsôftˌwer əz ˈwāstfəl əv ˈmemərē ˈspās/ /ðiː ˈsɔːftˌwɛr ɪz ˈweɪstfəl əv ˈmɛmɜriː ˈspeɪs/