the school doubled as a hospital during the war

listen to the pronunciation of the school doubled as a hospital during the war
English - German
Die Schule wurde im Krieg auch als Krankenhaus verwendet
the school doubled as a hospital during the war


    the school doubled as a hos·pi·tal dur·ing the war

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi skul dʌbıld äz ı häspîtıl dyûrîng dhi wôr


    /ᴛʜē ˈsko͞ol ˈdəbəld ˈaz ə ˈhäsˌpətəl ˈdyo͝orəɴɢ ᴛʜē ˈwôr/ /ðiː ˈskuːl ˈdʌbəld ˈæz ə ˈhɑːsˌpɪtəl ˈdjʊrɪŋ ðiː ˈwɔːr/