the school

listen to the pronunciation of the school
English - Turkish

Definition of the school in English Turkish dictionary


Pazar günü okula gitmiyorsun, değil mi? - You don't go to school on Sunday, do you?

Lütfen okul kurallarına uyun. - Please obey the school rules.

{i} okul binası

Onlar yeni bir okul binası inşa etmek için bir proje oluşturdu. - They formed a project to build a new school building.

O, her sabah okul binasına girerken onu selamlar. - She greets him every morning as he enters the school building.

(Eğitim) öğrenim kurumu
{i} (üniversitede) fakülte: school of business administration işletme fakültesi
öğrenim devresi
herhangi bir şeyin öğrenildiği yer

Bir işletme fakültesine gitmek istiyorum. - I would like to go to a business school.

Tom az önce hukuk fakültesinden mezun oldu. - Tom has just graduated from law school.


Bayan Smith bu okulda İngilizce öğretmektedir. - Miss Smith teaches English at this school.

O okulda öğretmekten vazgeçtiğinden beri ne kadar süre oldu? - How long has it been since you gave up teaching at that school?

bir ustadın öncüsü olduğu tarz veya üslup
{i} ekol

Her nasılsa, Japon lisem hakkında en fazla fark ettiğim şey öğrenciler tarafından öğretmenlerine gösterilen büyük saygıydı. - What I most noticed about my Japanese high school, however, was the great respect shown by students toward their teachers.

Tom her zaman öğretmenler kendisine izin verdiği sürece geç saatlere kadar okulda kalır. - Tom always stays at school as late as the teachers allow him to.

{f} okula göndermek

Tom'un ebeveynleri onu özel okula göndermek için çok çalıştı. - Tom's parents worked hard to send him to private school.

Tom'u yatılı okula göndermek sana her ay ne kadara mal oluyordu? - How much was it costing you per month to send Tom to boarding school?

{f} ders vermek

Bir okulda yüksek motivasyona sahip öğrencilerle ders vermek istiyorum. - I'd like to teach in a school with highly-motivated students.

Kızım lisede ders vermek istiyor. - My daughter wants to teach in high school.


Lisedeyken ne tarz müzikten hoşlanırdın? - What kind of music did you like when you were in high school?

Tom Mary'nin okuldaki davranma tarzını görmezlikten gelmeye devam etmeyi reddetti. - Tom refused to continue to ignore the way Mary was behaving at school.

(Denizbilim) sürü

Bizim tekne bir balık sürüsünü izledi. - Our boat followed a school of fish.

Okul kütüphanemizin bir sürü kitabı var. - Our school library has many books.

{i} balık sürüsü

Bizim tekne bir balık sürüsünü izledi. - Our boat followed a school of fish.

{i} (balık, balina v.b. için) sürü

Pazar günü okula gitmiyorsun, değil mi? - You don't go to school on Sunday, do you?

Okula genellikle bisikletle giderler. - They usually go to school by bicycle.


Tom'u okula götürmen güzeldi. - It was nice of you to drive Tom to school.

Bizim güzel bir okul kütüphanemiz var. - We have a nice school library.

{i} ekol: school of philosophy felsefe ekolü
{i} okul çalışanları ve öğrencileri
{f} terbiye etmek
{f} (balık) sürü halinde yüzmek
{f} alıştırmak
English - English

Definition of the school in English English dictionary

To control, or compose, one's expression

She took care to school her expression, not giving away any of her feelings.

Within a larger educational institution, an organizational unit, such as a department or institute, which is dedicated to a specific subject area

We are enrolled in the same university, but I attend the School of Economics and my brother is in the School of Music.

An institution dedicated to teaching and learning; an educational institution

Harvard University is a famous American postsecondary school.

An educational institution providing primary and secondary education, prior to tertiary education (college or university)
To educate, teach, or train (often, but not necessarily, in a school.)
A group of fish or a group of marine mammals such as porpoises, dolphins, or whales

The divers encountered a huge school of mackerel.

The time during which classes are attended or in session in an educational institution

I'll see you after school.

To defeat emphatically, to teach an opponent a harsh lesson

This time I'm gonna school you..

To form into, or travel in a school
(considered collectively) The followers of a particular doctrine; a particular way of thinking or particular doctrine; a school of thought

These economists belong to the monetarist school.

a body of creative artists or writers or thinkers linked by a similar style or by similar teachers; "the Venetian school of painting"
{n} a place for education
{v} to instruct, teach, reprove
An administrative unit (school, college, or department) in an institution of higher education offering one or more programs that lead to an ALA-accredited LIS master's degree ALA/COA does not accredit schools
{s} pertaining to a school, pertaining to an educational institution
means the governing body of an educational establishment maintained by local education authorities in England and Wales or of a City Technology College, a City College for Technology of the Arts, or a City Academy
{f} teach, instruct, provide with an education; train, guide; swim or feed in a large group (about fish or sea mammals)
One of the seminaries for teaching logic, metaphysics, and theology, which were formed in the Middle Ages, and which were characterized by academical disputations and subtilties of reasoning
these are the basic units of organisation in the University, every academic and degree in the University is attached to a particular School Its useful to work out which school your in as if you have any problems through your degree your Head of School could be an important person to get to know
the period of instruction in a school; the time period when schools is in session; "stay after school"; "he didn't miss a single day of school"; "when the school day was done we would walk home together"
A privately-run place where a particular skill or subject is taught can be referred to as a school. a riding school and equestrian centre near Chepstow
If you school a horse, you train it so that it can be ridden in races or competitions. She bought him as a £1,000 colt of six months and schooled him. = train see also schooled, schooling, after-school, approved school, boarding school, church school, convent school, driving school, finishing school, grade school, graduate school, grammar school, high school, infant school, junior school, middle school, night school, nursery school, pre-school, prep school, primary school, private school, public school, special school, state school, summer school, Sunday school. Annales school Ash Can school Austrian school of economics Avignon school Barbizon school Bohemian school Bolognese school Burgundian school Cheng Zhu school Ch'eng Chu school Chicago School Danube school English school Fontainebleau school of Franco Cantabrian school Frankfurt school German historical school of economics Harrow School high school Hudson River school Ionian school Juilliard School Kano school Manchester school Megarian school Metabolist school Moscow school New School University New School for Social Research New York school Notre Dame school Novgorod school Pont Aven school Practical Learning School Prairie school preparatory school public school independent school Rhode Island School of Design school psychology Sicilian school Stroganov school Summerhill School Tabriz school Unity School of Christianity Utrecht school Venetian school Vladimir Suzdal school
an educational institution's faculty and students; "the school keeps parents informed"; "the whole school turned out for the game"
An assemblage of scholars; those who attend upon instruction in a school of any kind; a body of pupils
Associated with them are certain painters of animals, as Troyon and Jaque, and of peasant life, as Millet and Jules Breton
A place of education that a child will go to usually during the ages of 11-16, where the final qualification will be the glossary('GCSE','GCSE',5) Students have the option to carry on studying into glossary('A-Level','A-Levels',5) and ultimately glossary('University','university',5) Some schools offer sixth form, which is the equivalent of a glossary('college','college',5) providing higher education
a building where young people receive education; "the school was built in 1932"; "he walked to school every morning"
6. A particular school of writers, artists, or thinkers is a group of them whose work, opinions, or theories are similar. the Chicago school of economists
The disciples or followers of a teacher; those who hold a common doctrine, or accept the same teachings; a sect or denomination in philosophy, theology, science, medicine, politics, etc
A school is the pupils or staff at a school. Deirdre, the whole school's going to hate you
An accredited institution that awards financial aid to the student
To tutor; to chide and admonish; to reprove; to subject to systematic discipline; to train
A part of the academic organizational structure of the University that, on an organizational chart is between the Institution level and the Division level
A school is a place where children are educated. You usually refer to this place as school when you are talking about the time that children spend there and the activities that they do there. a boy who was in my class at school Even the good students say homework is what they most dislike about school I took the kids for a picnic in the park after school. a school built in the Sixties two boys wearing school uniform
Complete name of the LCME-accredited U S school of medicine
If you school someone in something, you train or educate them to have a certain skill, type of behaviour, or way of thinking. Many mothers schooled their daughters in the myth of female inferiority He is schooled to spot trouble
The canons, precepts, or body of opinion or practice, sanctioned by the authority of a particular class or age; as, he was a gentleman of the old school
a large group of fish; "a school of small glittering fish swam by"
It is exemplified, esp
A university, college, or university department specializing in a particular type of subject can be referred to as a school. a lecturer in the school of veterinary medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Stella, 21, is at art school training to be a fashion designer
In this site, used to refer to colleges and universities
To train in an institution of learning; to educate at a school; to teach
Enclosed, marked out area used for the training and exercise of the horse
We have ten schools: Audiology and Speech Sciences; Community and Regional Planning; Human Kinetics; Journalism; Library, Archival and Information Studies; Music; Nursing; Occupational and Environmental Hygiene; Rehabilitation Sciences; and Social Work and Family Studies
educate in or as if in a school; "The children are schooled at great cost to their parents in private institutions
(Except schools for the mentally retarded and schools for the physically handicapped) means a public or nonprofit approved or accredited organizational entity devoted primarily to approved academic, vocational, or professional study and instruction, which operates primarily for educational purposes on a full-time basis for a minimum school year and employs a full-time staff of qualified instructors
A title given to a particular Academic Organisational Unit within the University in recognition of its professional or other status Within the academic divisions there are a number of Schools The Schools are: Arts Asian Studies Biological Sciences and Biotechnology Commerce Economics Education Engineering Environmental Science Information Technology Law Mathematical & Physical Sciences Media Communication & Culture Politics & International Studies Psychology Social Inquiry Veterinary Biology & Biomedical Science Veterinary Clinical Science
train to be discriminative in taste or judgment; "Cultivate your musical taste"; "Train your tastebuds"; "She is well schooled in poetry"
the process of being formally educated at a school; "what will you do when you finish school?"
A session of an institution of instruction
A person who spent most of his time during the survey week attending any kind of public or private school, including trade or vocational schools in which students receive no compensation in money or kind
To school a child means to educate him or her. She's been schooling her kids herself. = educate
{i} any institution of learning; group of people influenced by a common master or system of thought; system; faculty, academic department; large group of fish or sea mammals
A place of primary instruction; an establishment for the instruction of children; as, a primary school; a common school; a grammar school
The school and its community, its culture, and its physical aspects A school environment provides the cornerstone for academic reform An environment that is equitable, accessible, supportive, secure, drug free and safe supports the educational goal that the school environment is conducive to teaching and learning, all stakeholders, including parents and community members, must be involved in and committed to a shared vision
in landscapes, by Corot, Rousseau, Daubigny, Jules Dupré, and Diaz
educate in or as if in a school; "The children are schooled at great cost to their parents in private institutions"
A unit which the institution has formed from a grouping of Departments (which are equivalent to DEETÕs Academic Organizational Units) for the purposes of budgeting and planning Name Abbreviation New Name in 1994 Architecture and Engineering Arch and Eng Business and Law Bus and Law Commerce and Law Education Education Health Science Health Sc Humanities and Social Sciences Hum and Soc Sc Science Science Visual and Performing Arts Vis and Perf Arts
Any institution or person offering training or educational services to the public
The room or hall in English universities where the examinations for degrees and honors are held
a building where young people receive education; "the school was built in 1932"; "he walked to school every morning" the process of being formally educated at a school; "what will you do when you finish school?" a large group of fish; "a school of small glittering fish swam by" a body of creative artists or writers or thinkers linked by a similar style or by similar teachers; "the Venetian school of painting" an educational institution; "the school was founded in 1900" an educational institution's faculty and students; "the school keeps parents informed"; "the whole school turned out for the game" the period of instruction in a school; the time period when schools is in session; "stay after school"; "he didn't miss a single day of school"; "when the school day was done we would walk home together" swim in or form a large group of fish; "A cluster of schooling fish was attracted to the bait" educate in or as if in a school; "The children are schooled at great cost to their parents in private institutions
(educational): a building or structure for the purpose of instruction such as schools, colleges, universities, libraries, and academies
An academic unit responsible for the administration of the institution's academic programs
Usually elementary, middle, or high schools Also a catch-all term for any place of education e g , law school, graduate school
A place for learned intercourse and instruction; an institution for learning; an educational establishment; a place for acquiring knowledge and mental training; as, the school of the prophets
Figuratively, any means of knowledge or discipline; as, the school of experience
Academic and administrative unit which offers a professional training program (e g School of Translation and Interpretation, School of Nursing)
School for the Blind
School is used to refer to university or college. Moving rapidly through school, he graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Kentucky at age
an educational institution; "the school was founded in 1900"
a public school or an accredited nonpublic school
A division of the school system consisting of students in one or more grades or other identifiable groups and organized to give instruction of a defined type One school may share a building with another school or one school may be housed in several buildings
A French school of the middle of the 19th century centering in the village of Barbizon near the forest of Fontainebleau
a place or process of learning with many varieties, including elementary, secondary, and high school; technical, professional, community college, and university; continuing education and graduate studies; an important factor in the development of character and leadership
swim in or form a large group of fish; "A cluster of schooling fish was attracted to the bait"
A school of fish or dolphins is a large group of them moving through water together
"Unconventional school"
Its members went straight to nature in disregard of academic tradition, treating their subjects faithfully and with poetic feeling for color, light, and atmosphere
A shoal; a multitude; as, a school of fish
the school

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi skul


    /ᴛʜē ˈsko͞ol/ /ðiː ˈskuːl/


    ... DAVID BECKHAM: Well I won the book chart in soccer school. ...
    ... I left my book at school I can just share mine ...