the riddle of her disappearance has never been solved

listen to the pronunciation of the riddle of her disappearance has never been solved
English - German
Ihr rätselhaftes Verschwinden wurde nie (auf)geklärt
the riddle of her disappearance has never been solved


    the rid·dle of her dis·ap·pear·ance has ne·ver been solved

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi rîdıl ıv hır dîsıpirıns hız nevır bın sälvd


    /ᴛʜē ˈrədəl əv hər ˌdəsəˈpērəns həz ˈnevər bən ˈsälvd/ /ðiː ˈrɪdəl əv hɜr ˌdɪsəˈpiːrəns həz ˈnɛvɜr bən ˈsɑːlvd/