the results are consistent with earlier research

listen to the pronunciation of the results are consistent with earlier research
English - German
Die Ergebnisse decken sich mit früheren Forschungsarbeiten
the results are consistent with earlier research


    the results are con·sist·ent with ear·li·er re·search

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi rizʌlts ır kınsîstınt wîdh ırliır risırç


    /ᴛʜē rēˈzəlts ər kənˈsəstənt wəᴛʜ ˈərlēər rēˈsərʧ/ /ðiː riːˈzʌlts ɜr kənˈsɪstənt wɪð ˈɜrliːɜr riːˈsɜrʧ/