the recipe is a blissful reminder of my grandmothers sunday dinners

listen to the pronunciation of the recipe is a blissful reminder of my grandmothers sunday dinners
English - German
Das Rezept weckt schöne Erinnerungen an die Sonntagsessen bei meiner Großmutter
the recipe is a blissful reminder of my grandmothers sunday dinners


    the re·ci·pe I·s a bliss·ful reminder of my grandmothers Sun·day dinners

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi resıpi îz ı blîsfıl rimayndır ıv may grändmʌdhırz sʌndey dînırz


    /ᴛʜē ˈresəpē əz ə ˈbləsfəl rēˈmīndər əv ˈmī ˈgrandˌməᴛʜərz ˈsənˌdā ˈdənərz/ /ðiː ˈrɛsəpiː ɪz ə ˈblɪsfəl riːˈmaɪndɜr əv ˈmaɪ ˈɡrændˌmʌðɜrz ˈsʌnˌdeɪ ˈdɪnɜrz/