the project did not progress beyond the early stage

listen to the pronunciation of the project did not progress beyond the early stage
English - German
Das Projekt ist in über das Anfangsstadium nicht hinausgekommen
the project did not progress beyond the early stage


    the proj·ect did not prog·ress be·yond the Ear·ly stage

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi prıcekt dîd nät prōgres bîônd dhi ırli steyc


    /ᴛʜē prəˈʤekt dəd ˈnät prōˈgres bəˈônd ᴛʜē ˈərlē ˈstāʤ/ /ðiː prəˈʤɛkt dɪd ˈnɑːt proʊˈɡrɛs bɪˈɔːnd ðiː ˈɜrliː ˈsteɪʤ/