the police were unable to link the crime to a specific offender

listen to the pronunciation of the police were unable to link the crime to a specific offender
English - German
Die Polizei konnte die Straftat keinem bestimmten Täter zuordnen
the police were unable to link the crime to a specific offender


    the po·lice were un·a·ble to link the crime to a spe·cif·ic of·fend·er

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi pılis wır ıneybıl tı lîngk dhi kraym tı ı spısîfîk ıfendır


    /ᴛʜē pəˈlēs wər ənˈābəl tə ˈləɴɢk ᴛʜē ˈkrīm tə ə spəˈsəfək əˈfendər/ /ðiː pəˈliːs wɜr ənˈeɪbəl tə ˈlɪŋk ðiː ˈkraɪm tə ə spəˈsɪfɪk əˈfɛndɜr/