the police have brought new evidence forward

listen to the pronunciation of the police have brought new evidence forward
English - German
Die Polizei hat neue Beweise präsentiert
the police have brought new evidence forward


    the po·lice have brought new e·vi·dence for·ward

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi pılis häv brôt nyu evıdıns fôrwırd


    /ᴛʜē pəˈlēs ˈhav ˈbrôt ˈnyo͞o ˈevədəns ˈfôrwərd/ /ðiː pəˈliːs ˈhæv ˈbrɔːt ˈnjuː ˈɛvədəns ˈfɔːrwɜrd/