the photograph shows michael and yours truly

listen to the pronunciation of the photograph shows michael and yours truly
English - German
Das Foto zeigt Michael und meine Wenigkeit
the photograph shows michael and yours truly


    the pho·to·graph shows Mi·chael and yours tru·ly

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi fōtıgräf şōz maykıl ınd yırz truli


    /ᴛʜē ˈfōtəˌgraf ˈsʜōz ˈmīkəl ənd yərz ˈtro͞olē/ /ðiː ˈfoʊtəˌɡræf ˈʃoʊz ˈmaɪkəl ənd jɜrz ˈtruːliː/