the pentacle

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A pentagram, especially a physical one used for magical or mystical purposes
A pentagram, especially one used for magical or mystical purposes
The pentacle is the five pointed star set within a circle People are forever confusing the two, but the easiest way I know to remember which is which is to remember that pentacle and circle have the same ending
A figure composed of two equilateral triangles intersecting so as to form a six-pointed star, used in early ornamental art, and also with superstitious import by the astrologers and mystics of the Middle Ages
A disc (generally circular) which is inscribed with a pentagram on its surface
A sigil with a circle around it, or an amulet containing one; the sigil is usually assumed to be a pentagram
A five-pointed star, often held to have magical or mystical significance, formed by five straight lines connecting the vertices of a pentagon and enclosing another pentagon in the completed figure
the Elemental Tool of Earth, a round wooden or metal disk usually enscribed with a pentagram, often with other magickal Signs and Symbols specific to a Tradition; also, the wax, paper, or parchment form used as a material basis when making talismans or otherwise invoking or evoking a specific force
n Five-pointed star figure, with one point at the top, enclosed in a circle Tool of the North Used to achieve psychic balance and to enable people to experience various connected energies in a concentrated way, each of the points is associated with different particular powers and qualities
A magickal symbol consisting of a pentagram - a five-pointed star -- pointing upward and enclosed by a circle Worshipped by the ancients, its meaning is "life" or "health" It is worn as a symbol of a Witch's belief and used in magickal workings and ceremonies Each point on the star relates to the five magickal Elements - Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit The Pentacle has never indicated anything evil, and if a person uses a pentacle and does nasty things it is a sure sign that they haven't a clue what they are doing
{s} five pointed star, pentagram
Protection Protection
{i} five-pointed star, pentagram
a five pointed star inside a circle -- most commonly used by Wiccans and other Neopagans Some Satanists invert the pentacle so that one point is downwards and two upwards; they often add a goat's head to the inverted pentacle
A circle containing a 5-pointed star The upright version of this symbol of the Witch and is probably the best known symbol to represent Witchcraft or Wicca The reversed version of this symbol is best known for it's representation of Satanism
a star with 5 points; formed by 5 straight lines between the vertices of a pentagon and enclosing another pentagon
A disc shaped talisman; in particular, the metal disc which represents the earth element among the witch's working tools