the number of working days lost due to sickness

listen to the pronunciation of the number of working days lost due to sickness
English - Spanish

Definition of the number of working days lost due to sickness in English Spanish dictionary

the number of
el número de

El número de contribuciones representa el número de oraciones añadidas más el número de traducciones añadidas más el número de oraciones modificadas. - The number of contributions represents the number of sentences added plus the number of translations added plus the number of sentences modified.

La señal de tránsito en la intersección no aumentó el número de accidentes de tráfico en la ciudad. - The signal at the intersection didn't increase the number of the traffic accidents in the city.

English - Greek

Definition of the number of working days lost due to sickness in English Greek dictionary

the number of
ο αριθμός των (o arithmos ton)
English - Danish

Definition of the number of working days lost due to sickness in English Danish dictionary

the number of
Antallet af

Antallet af europæere, der besøger Thailand hvert år, er meget stort. - The number of Europeans who visit Thailand every year is very large.

English - Swedish

Definition of the number of working days lost due to sickness in English Swedish dictionary

the number of
English - Finnish

Definition of the number of working days lost due to sickness in English Finnish dictionary

the number of

Rannalla olevien hiekanjyvästen määrä voidaan laskea. - The number of grains of sand on a beach is calculable.

Annettujen työpanosten määrä kuvaa lisättyjen lauseiden plus lisättyjen käännösten plus muokattujen lauseiden määrää. - The number of contributions represents the number of sentences added plus the number of translations added plus the number of sentences modified.

English - Italian

Definition of the number of working days lost due to sickness in English Italian dictionary

the number of
il numero di

Il numero di prede che uccisero era lo stesso. - The number of prey they killed was the same.

Procurami il numero di questa fanciulla. - Get me the number of this young girl.

English - Lehçe

Definition of the number of working days lost due to sickness in English Lehçe dictionary

the number of
English - Russian

Definition of the number of working days lost due to sickness in English Russian dictionary

the number of

Число учащихся, которые едут на каникулах за границу, растёт. - The number of students who travel abroad for vacation is increasing.

Число туристов увеличилось. - The number of tourists has increased.

English - Dutch

Definition of the number of working days lost due to sickness in English Dutch dictionary

the number of
het aantal

Als het aantal auto's toeneemt, neemt ook het verkeer toe. - If the number of cars increases, so will the traffic.

Het aantal muffins dat je krijgt, zal omgekeerd evenredig zijn aan het aantal keer dat je op IRC praat. - The number of muffins that you'll receive will be inversely proportional to the number of times you talk on IRC.

English - German
die Zahl der durch Krankheit verlorenen Arbeitstage
the number of working days lost due to sickness


    the num·ber of work·ing days lost due to sick·ness

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi nʌmbır ıv wırkîng deyz lôst dyu tı sîknıs


    /ᴛʜē ˈnəmbər əv ˈwərkəɴɢ ˈdāz ˈlôst ˈdyo͞o tə ˈsəknəs/ /ðiː ˈnʌmbɜr əv ˈwɜrkɪŋ ˈdeɪz ˈlɔːst ˈdjuː tə ˈsɪknəs/