the number of stressors has multiplied exponentially in the contemporary world

listen to the pronunciation of the number of stressors has multiplied exponentially in the contemporary world
English - German
Die Zahl der Stressfaktoren ist in der heutigen Welt in die Höhe geschossen
the number of stressors has multiplied exponentially in the contemporary world


    the num·ber of stressors has mul·ti·plied ex·po·nen·tial·ly in the con·tem·po·ra·ry world

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi nʌmbır ıv stresırz hız mʌltıplayd ekspōnenşıli în dhi kıntempıreri wırld


    /ᴛʜē ˈnəmbər əv ˈstresərz həz ˈməltəˌplīd ˌekspōˈnensʜəlē ən ᴛʜē kənˈtempərˌerē ˈwərld/ /ðiː ˈnʌmbɜr əv ˈstrɛsɜrz həz ˈmʌltəˌplaɪd ˌɛkspoʊˈnɛnʃəliː ɪn ðiː kənˈtɛmpɜrˌɛriː ˈwɜrld/