the new proposal is a good halfway house

listen to the pronunciation of the new proposal is a good halfway house
English - German
Der neue Vorschlag ist ein guter Kompromiss
the new proposal is a good halfway house


    the new pro·pos·al I·s a good half·way House

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi nyu prıpōzıl îz ı gîd häfwey haus


    /ᴛʜē ˈnyo͞o prəˈpōzəl əz ə gəd ˈhafˈwā ˈhous/ /ðiː ˈnjuː prəˈpoʊzəl ɪz ə ɡɪd ˈhæfˈweɪ ˈhaʊs/