the motorbike wasn't able to be repaired

listen to the pronunciation of the motorbike wasn't able to be repaired
English - German
Das Motorrad konnte nicht mehr repariert werden
the motorbike wasn't able to be repaired


    the mo·tor·bike was·n't a·ble to be repaired

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi mōtırbayk wäzınt eybıl tı bi riperd


    /ᴛʜē ˈmōtərˌbīk ˈwäzənt ˈābəl tə bē rēˈperd/ /ðiː ˈmoʊtɜrˌbaɪk ˈwɑːzənt ˈeɪbəl tə biː riːˈpɛrd/