the lawful process of removing an occupant from real property

listen to the pronunciation of the lawful process of removing an occupant from real property
English - Turkish
English - English
the lawful process of removing an occupant from real property


    the law·ful proc·ess of re·mo·ving an oc·cu·pant from re·al prop·er·ty

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi lôfıl prôses ıv rimuvîng ın äkyıpınt fırm ril präpırti


    /ᴛʜē ˈlôfəl ˈprôˌses əv rēˈmo͞ovəɴɢ ən ˈäkyəpənt fərm ˈrēl ˈpräpərtē/ /ðiː ˈlɔːfəl ˈprɔːˌsɛs əv riːˈmuːvɪŋ ən ˈɑːkjəpənt fɜrm ˈriːl ˈprɑːpɜrtiː/