the joint made by two diagonally cut pieces put together

listen to the pronunciation of the joint made by two diagonally cut pieces put together
English - English
the joint made by two diagonally cut pieces put together


    the joint made by two di·ag·o·nal·ly cut pieces put to·geth·er

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi coynt meyd bay tu dayägınıli kʌt pisız pût tıgedhır


    /ᴛʜē ˈʤoint ˈmād ˈbī ˈto͞o dīˈagənəlē ˈkət ˈpēsəz ˈpo͝ot təˈgeᴛʜər/ /ðiː ˈʤɔɪnt ˈmeɪd ˈbaɪ ˈtuː daɪˈæɡənəliː ˈkʌt ˈpiːsəz ˈpʊt təˈɡɛðɜr/