the inside facts

listen to the pronunciation of the inside facts
English - Finnish

Definition of the inside facts in English Finnish dictionary

the facts

Minusta on tärkeää kertoa hänelle tosiasiat. - I think it is important to tell him the facts.

Tosiasiat puhuvat puolestaan. - The facts speak for themselves.

English - Danish

Definition of the inside facts in English Danish dictionary

the facts
de faktiske omstændigheder
English - Russian

Definition of the inside facts in English Russian dictionary

the facts

Давайте не преувеличивать факты. - Let's not exaggerate the facts.

Факты стали известны каждому. - The facts became known to everyone.

English - Swedish

Definition of the inside facts in English Swedish dictionary

the facts
English - German
Geheimtipps (über jemanden/etw.)
the facts
die Fakten

Wer diesen Bericht liest, erhält alle Angaben, die erforderlich sind, um die Fakten selbst zu prüfen. - The one who reads this report obtains all statements that are necessary to be able to check the facts by himself.

Achten Sie auf die Fakten, die mit dem Thema zu tun haben. - Listen to the facts relative to the issue.

the facts

Der Sachverhalt entspricht nicht Ihrer Vermutung. - The facts don't correspond with your assumption.

English - Greek

Definition of the inside facts in English Greek dictionary

the facts
τα πραγματικά περιστατικά (ta pragatika peristatika)
English - Dutch

Definition of the inside facts in English Dutch dictionary

the facts
de feiten

Ik vind het belangrijk hem de feiten te vertellen. - I think it's important to tell him the facts.

Ik wil alleen maar de feiten. - I just want the facts.

English - Lehçe

Definition of the inside facts in English Lehçe dictionary

the facts

Zanim będziemy mogły podjąć decyzję, musimy mieć wszystkie fakty. - Before we can make a decision, we must have all the facts.

Zakładam, że dobrze znasz fakty. - I take it that you are fully acquainted with the facts.

English - Spanish

Definition of the inside facts in English Spanish dictionary

the facts
los hechos

No disputo los hechos que has presentado sino sólo la conclusión que sacas a partir de ellos. - I don't dispute the facts you've presented but only the conclusion you draw from them.

Si él hubiera conocido los hechos, el accidente se podría haber evitado. - Had he known the facts, the accident might have been avoided.

English - Portuguese

Definition of the inside facts in English Portuguese dictionary

the facts
os fatos

A história não está de acordo com os fatos. - The story is not in accord with the facts.

Eu conheço muito bem os fatos. - I know the facts well enough.

English - French

Definition of the inside facts in English French dictionary

the facts
les faits

Je connais suffisamment les faits. - I know the facts well enough.

Nous voulons connaître les faits. - We want to know the facts.

English - Italian

Definition of the inside facts in English Italian dictionary

the facts
i fatti

La storia non coincide con i fatti. - The story is not in accord with the facts.

Ciò che io voglio sapere sono i fatti. - What I want to know are the facts.

the inside facts


    the in·side facts

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi însayd fäks


    /ᴛʜē ənˈsīd ˈfaks/ /ðiː ɪnˈsaɪd ˈfæks/