the hotel room must be vacated by noon

listen to the pronunciation of the hotel room must be vacated by noon
English - German
Das Hotelzimmer muss bis Mittag freigemacht werden
the hotel room must be vacated by noon


    the ho·tel room must be vacated by noon

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi hōtel rum mʌst bi veykeytıd bay nun


    /ᴛʜē hōˈtel ˈro͞om ˈməst bē vāˈkātəd ˈbī ˈno͞on/ /ðiː hoʊˈtɛl ˈruːm ˈmʌst biː veɪˈkeɪtəd ˈbaɪ ˈnuːn/