the head of egypt's coptic church has called for calm over the crisis

listen to the pronunciation of the head of egypt's coptic church has called for calm over the crisis
English - German
Das Oberhaupt der koptischen Kirche in Ägypten hat in Bezug auf die Krise zur Ru
the head of egypt's coptic church has called for calm over the crisis


    the head of egypt's Cop·tic church has called for calm over the cri·sis

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi hed ıv icıpts käptîk çırç hız kôld fôr kälm ōvır dhi kraysıs


    /ᴛʜē ˈhed əv ˈēʤəpts ˈkäptək ˈʧərʧ həz ˈkôld ˈfôr ˈkälm ˈōvər ᴛʜē ˈkrīsəs/ /ðiː ˈhɛd əv ˈiːʤəpts ˈkɑːptɪk ˈʧɜrʧ həz ˈkɔːld ˈfɔːr ˈkɑːlm ˈoʊvɜr ðiː ˈkraɪsəs/