the green light

listen to the pronunciation of the green light
English - Turkish
yeşil ışık
green light
green light
yeşil ışık

Yeşil ışık ... Kırmızı ışık! - Green light... Red light!

Yayalar sadece yeşil ışıkta geçmelidirler. - The pedestrians must cross only at the green light.

green light
(trafik lambasında) yeşil ışık
green light
k.dili. müsaade, izin, yeşil ışık
English - English

Definition of the green light in English English dictionary

green light
approval, or permission to proceed

We have a green light on the project. Work starts today.

green light
A traffic light in its green state (indicating that vehicles may proceed)

The drive home was much faster than usual; somehow we managed to hit every green light.

green light
when a script and thus a film gets the final approval from, in most cases, a studio to proceed with making the project This is usually given once a final budget is approved, though sometimes the rewrite of a script might affect this along with a certain actor or actress agreeing to be in the project
green light
permission to proceed with a project or to take action; "the gave the green light for construction to begin"
green light
signal to go ahead, formal approval
green light
green colored light which signals that it is safe to proceed; go-ahead signal
green light
A light behind the goal cage, next to the red light, that goes on when time has expired in a period When that green light goes on, the red light is locked out, so the goal judge can't indicate a goal if it comes immediately after the period ends
green light
a signal to proceed
the green light

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi grin layt


    /ᴛʜē ˈgrēn ˈlīt/ /ðiː ˈɡriːn ˈlaɪt/


    ... firmware is running, and I need to know that the little green light always comes on when ...