the forthcoming book

listen to the pronunciation of the forthcoming book
English - Turkish

Definition of the forthcoming book in English Turkish dictionary

the book

Kitap için beş dolar ödedim. - I paid five dollars for the book.

Yarın kitapları kütüphaneye götüreceğim. - Tomorrow, I'll take the books to the library.

English - English

Definition of the forthcoming book in English English dictionary

forthcoming book
book that will soon be available to the public
the Book
bible, holy scriptures
the forthcoming book


    the forth·com·ing book

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi fôrthkʌmîng bûk


    /ᴛʜē ˈfôrᴛʜˈkəməɴɢ ˈbo͝ok/ /ðiː ˈfɔːrθˈkʌmɪŋ ˈbʊk/