the compass point that is one point north of northeast

listen to the pronunciation of the compass point that is one point north of northeast
English - English
northeast by north
the compass point that is one point north of northeast


    the com·pass point that I·s one point North of North·east

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi kʌmpıs poynt dhıt îz hwʌn poynt nôrth ıv nôrthist


    /ᴛʜē ˈkəmpəs ˈpoint ᴛʜət əz ˈhwən ˈpoint ˈnôrᴛʜ əv ˌnôrᴛʜˈēst/ /ðiː ˈkʌmpəs ˈpɔɪnt ðət ɪz ˈhwʌn ˈpɔɪnt ˈnɔːrθ əv ˌnɔːrθˈiːst/