the compass point between north and northeast

listen to the pronunciation of the compass point between north and northeast
English - English
north by northeast
the compass point between north and northeast


    the com·pass point be·tween North and North·east

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi kʌmpıs poynt bitwin nôrth ınd nôrthist


    /ᴛʜē ˈkəmpəs ˈpoint bēˈtwēn ˈnôrᴛʜ ənd ˌnôrᴛʜˈēst/ /ðiː ˈkʌmpəs ˈpɔɪnt biːˈtwiːn ˈnɔːrθ ənd ˌnɔːrθˈiːst/