the bracket has to be preceded by a space character

listen to the pronunciation of the bracket has to be preceded by a space character
English - German
Der Klammer muss ein Leerzeichen voranstehen
the bracket has to be preceded by a space character


    the brack·et has to be pre·ce·ded by a space char·ac·ter

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi bräkît hız tı bi prisidıd bay ı speys kerîktır


    /ᴛʜē ˈbrakət həz tə bē prēˈsēdəd ˈbī ə ˈspās ˈkerəktər/ /ðiː ˈbrækɪt həz tə biː priːˈsiːdəd ˈbaɪ ə ˈspeɪs ˈkɛrɪktɜr/