Bir sürü insan faturalarını ödeme konusunda endişeleniyor.
- Many people worry about paying their bills.
Faturada bir hata var.
- There's a mistake in the bill.
Senet bugün ödenmeli.
- The bill must be paid today.
Bu senetin vadesi geçmiş.
- This bill is long past due.
Hesap üç bin dolar tuttu.
- The bill added up to three thousand dollars.
Hesap bugün ödenmelidir.
- The bill must be paid today.
Başkan yasa tasarısını veto etti fakat Kongre onun vetosunu geçersiz kıldı.
- The President vetoed the bill, but Congress overrode his veto.
İktidar partisi vergi yasa tasarısını kabul ettirdi.
- The ruling party pushed its tax bill through.
Tom caddede yüz dolarlık kağıt para buldu.
- Tom found a hundred dollar bill on the street.
The trend among some young men is to wear their caps with the bill off to one side.
İnsan hakları beyannamesi ABD Anayasasını değiştirdi.
- The Bill of Rights amended the U.S. Constitution.
Bebek on dolarlık banknotu yırttı.
- The baby tore up a ten-dollar bill.
Sally, yirmi-dolarlık bir banknotu beş dolarlık banknotlarla değiştirdi.
- Sally exchanged a twenty-dollar bill for five-dollar bills.
Muhalefet partisi gelir vergisini düşürmek için bir yasa tasarısı sundu.
- The opposition party put forward a bill to reduce income tax.
Başkan Hayes yasa tasarısını veto etti.
- President Hayes vetoed the bill.
Tom, duvara bir poster yapıştırıyor.
- Tom is sticking a bill on the wall.
One of his neighbours opposite, a nice old guy with a stoop and a horrible little Yorkshire terrier, called him Bill - always had done and presumably always would, right up till the day he died. It actually irritated Will, who was not, he felt, by any stretch of the imagination, a Bill. Bill wouldn't smoke spliffs and listen to Nirvana. So why had he allowed this misapprehension to continue? Why hadn't he just said, four years ago, Actually my name is Will?.
... And it's referred to as an assault weapon ban, but it had, at the signing of the bill, ...
... in, and I believe that comes from Bill in Virginia. I'm gonna cue that up here, and ...