the attackers switched cars after fleeing the scene

listen to the pronunciation of the attackers switched cars after fleeing the scene
English - German
Auf ihrer Flucht wechselten die Täter das Fahrzeug
the attackers switched cars after fleeing the scene


    the attackers switched cars af·ter flee·ing the scene

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi ıtäkırz swîçt kärz äftır fliîng dhi sin


    /ᴛʜē əˈtakərz ˈswəʧt ˈkärz ˈaftər ˈflēəɴɢ ᴛʜē ˈsēn/ /ðiː əˈtækɜrz ˈswɪʧt ˈkɑːrz ˈæftɜr ˈfliːɪŋ ðiː ˈsiːn/