the aroma of cannabis incensed the air

listen to the pronunciation of the aroma of cannabis incensed the air
English - German
Der Duft von Cannabisrauch erfüllte die Luft
the aroma of cannabis incensed the air


    the a·ro·ma of can·na·bis in·censed the A·ir

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi ırōmı ıv känıbıs însenst dhi er


    /ᴛʜē ərˈōmə əv ˈkanəbəs ˈənˌsenst ᴛʜē ˈer/ /ðiː ɜrˈoʊmə əv ˈkænəbəs ˈɪnˌsɛnst ðiː ˈɛr/