the arbitration tribunal shall be constituted ad hoc

listen to the pronunciation of the arbitration tribunal shall be constituted ad hoc
English - German
Das Schiedsgericht wird von Fall zu Fall gebildet
the arbitration tribunal shall be constituted ad hoc


    the ar·bi·tra·tion tri·bu·nal shall be con·sti·tut·ed ad hoc

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi ärbîtreyşın trıbyunıl şäl bi känstıtutıd äd häk


    /ᴛʜē ˌärbəˈtrāsʜən trəˈbyo͞onəl ˈsʜal bē ˈkänstəˌto͞otəd ˈad ˈhäk/ /ðiː ˌɑːrbɪˈtreɪʃən trəˈbjuːnəl ˈʃæl biː ˈkɑːnstəˌtuːtəd ˈæd ˈhɑːk/