the album rocketed him to the top of the hit parade

listen to the pronunciation of the album rocketed him to the top of the hit parade
English - German
Das Album katapultierte ihn an die Spitze der Hitparade
the album rocketed him to the top of the hit parade


    the al·bum rocketed him to the top of the hit pa·rade

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi älbım räkıtîd îm tı dhi tôp ıv dhi hît pıreyd


    /ᴛʜē ˈalbəm ˈräkətəd əm tə ᴛʜē ˈtôp əv ᴛʜē ˈhət pərˈād/ /ðiː ˈælbəm ˈrɑːkətɪd ɪm tə ðiː ˈtɔːp əv ðiː ˈhɪt pɜrˈeɪd/