the album is set for an early march release

listen to the pronunciation of the album is set for an early march release
English - German
Die Veröffentlichung des Albums ist für Anfang März vorgesehen
the album is set for an early march release


    the al·bum I·s SET for an Ear·ly March re·lease

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi älbım îz set fôr ın ırli märç rilis


    /ᴛʜē ˈalbəm əz ˈset ˈfôr ən ˈərlē ˈmärʧ rēˈlēs/ /ðiː ˈælbəm ɪz ˈsɛt ˈfɔːr ən ˈɜrliː ˈmɑːrʧ riːˈliːs/