the address where a person or organization can be found

listen to the pronunciation of the address where a person or organization can be found
English - Turkish

Definition of the address where a person or organization can be found in English Turkish dictionary

street address
(Bilgisayar) açık adres
street address
English - English
street address
the address where a person or organization can be found


    the ad·dress where a per·son or or·ga·ni·za·tion Can be found

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi ıdres hwer ı pırsın ır ôrgınızeyşın kın bi faund


    /ᴛʜē əˈdres ˈhwer ə ˈpərsən ər ˌôrgənəˈzāsʜən kən bē ˈfound/ /ðiː əˈdrɛs ˈhwɛr ə ˈpɜrsən ɜr ˌɔːrɡənəˈzeɪʃən kən biː ˈfaʊnd/